Results for 07.03.24

Today was undoubtedly a day of increased volatility, or more precisely, from night until 11 a.m., we covered about 240 points on the pound yen. I tried to explain how to connect the boundary conditions of maximum and minimum volatility. So that you could work any day without worrying.
The suggested sequence of actions is as follows:
First, you must be able to clearly see simple and complex movements along floating squares and, accordingly, combine them into segments. This will allow you to track market dynamics within a day. I recommend calculating movement sizes mentally rather than relying on the platform’s ruler. The exercise is simple and will help you when calculating which contract to open, where the average price is, etc. A regular two-digit score.
Second, you should note boundary conditions for minimum volatility both against the trend and along the trend. You should be able to see boundary conditions for maximum volatility, and in this regard, I suggest that you first observe the appearance of boundary conditions for minimum volatility along the trend. Then, on the next segment in the direction of the trend, after the end of the movement along the trend, you will encounter boundary conditions for maximum volatility.
Third, boundary conditions for maximum volatility, as described above, begin on the next segment after the appearance of boundary conditions for minimum volatility along the trend. If, as a result, the price does not change the trend, then on the next segment after the start of high-volatility boundary conditions, we again have a continuation of the trend.
Task for you: Draw on paper where exactly the boundary conditions for high volatility start and end.
Fourth, another video task: Describe where I start working and how I enter, under what conditions, when I hold the trend, and when I change. Describe my rules, and write down yours.
The market picture today is like this. A rare case where boundary conditions for low volatility appeared twice at one level in one segment.
I have nothing to say today. I’ll remind you about the upcoming trip to Georgia; let me know the dates of your arrival if you’re planning to attend.
Have a good evening!

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