Results on 13.03.24

Today, the task was slightly modified. The challenge was to look for conditions only at the beginning of the movement and only for buying during the trading session.
Let me explain the reason for this task. It’s not just about applying the rules we know but also adapting them to the stated goal.
As a result, personally, I can make two observations:
  • We get too involved in the technique and lose the essence of what is happening. We forget that we need to pay attention not only to the geometric arrangement but also to volatility, as geometry outweighs it.
  • We have an example where the preset installation influenced, albeit not strongly, the perception of the market by some seminar participants, and we adjusted the desired to the required, which is undesirable.
Everything here is simply fantastic. The process is developing, we are starting to express our vision of the market in the required terms. Many thanks to everyone, and let’s not stop.

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