Invitation to Seminars in Tbilisi

From April 3rd to April 14th, 2024, I am conducting an in-person seminar with my group “Lucky Charms.” The seminar program has already been approved, and all participants are eagerly awaiting the start.
In addition, I have been honored to be invited to conduct two more seminars.
Firstly, a charitable project called Terra. Attendees of the seminar will have the opportunity to sign up for my two-month trading courses, and, of course, within the framework of the volunteer project, this will be completely free of charge.
The theme of the meeting is “Financial Markets Unveiled.” During the seminar, the emphasis will be not so much on what markets and what methods of analysis exist now, but rather on why these markets exist now and what is needed to take advantage of their opportunities.
The second meeting will take place at the “Hidden Bar” on one of the weekdays from April 4th to April 12th, the exact time is to be determined.
The theme of the meeting is “The Intrigue of Trading: Scam or Perk?!”
In the relaxing atmosphere of the bar, we will delve into questions of philosophy: What is trading? Who is it for, and is it worth engaging in it, and how should it be done? Of course, for the sake of fairness, participants in this seminar will also have the opportunity to undergo a two-month free training course along with Terra project participants.
I will definitely come up with some additional prize for those who attend both meetings. Believe me, they will not be superfluous. And whether this is the case or not, you will see after the first meeting.
Both seminars will be conducted in Russian.

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