Results on 12.03.24

Today on the market, we discussed some unusual situations. The first one is when the segment color changes within one segment. That is, if we have a long-established square against the chosen direction, we can cross the boundary of the previous segment, which should automatically change the color of the current segment.
The second situation is when the current segment becomes larger than the specified number of points as a result of strong movement within one floating square, and then there is a small rollback with small floating squares. In this case, the required volatility closes earlier than the boundaries of the previous segment.
Otherwise, the market was calm today, without surprises in low volatility, so high volatility boundary conditions did not trigger at all. We practiced conditions of low volatility against the trend. Only once could have triggered one stop when opening a position under such conditions.
Everything is good from my perspective. We are gradually gaining momentum in activity, the main thing is not to give up.
Have a great evening!

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